Impressions and Information

about traveling with us

Okavango Air Rescue

Kalahari Breeze Safaris is affiliated to Okavango Air Rescue. During your camping safaris with Kalahari Breeze Safaris you are covered with emergency helicopter evacuation services in case of emergency and they will airlift you from any park in Botswana to the nearest hosital.
Unbeknown to most, for national or international Travel Insurances to sanction a medical rescue takes HOURS! The Insurance Companies can be thousands of miles away and unaware of the prevailing local circumstances. Thus through Kalahari Breeze Safaris affiliation and contribution to Okavango Air Rescue, Kalahari Breeze secures the immediate rescue by Okavango Air Rescue, if medically indicated, irrespective if an insurance is in place, has been alerted, or has sanctioned the rescue.
Okavango Air Rescue (OAR) is a private company, inspired by the Swiss Rescue Service “REGA”. In an emergency situation Okavango Air Rescue will rescue you by their medically equipped Helicopter and Emergency Doctor, ensuring smooth and swift operations. Your Travel Insurance will only be invoiced for the costs thereafter.


  • If medically indicated, OAR flies first and only asks for payment from your insurance later.
  • If you do NOT have insurance or if the latter refuses payment for further treatment, OAR will transfer you to the nearest Government Hospital.
  • If you have insurance OAR will arrange with them onwards transport and treatment, whilst you are being cared for in OARs Holding Facility.

What to do in case of an emergency:

  1. Dial 995. If you travel with an International Roaming or Satellite Phone, please dial the landline: 00267 686 15 06, tob e switched through to “995“.
  2. Provide the following information: number of patients, name and birthdate of patients, location.
  3. Answer futher questions.
    For more information:


All medical stretcher equipment worldwide is calibrated to between 120 and 150kg. Furthermore in a Helicopter space and weight restrictions apply, too. In a scenario where the weight restrictions are exceeded we will stay with the Patient on location, whilst we find an alternative solution to evacuate the same.

Night Flying is neither possible nor allowed in Botswana and while the Civil Aviation Authority of Botswana (CAAB) has given Okavango Air Rescue special dispensation, the decision is solely in the hands of the Chief Pilot. The base line of this decision will always be that one cannot also endanger the lives of the pilot and crew for the life of a third party that already is in danger.

In such circumstances, Okavango Air Rescue will always try and fly in at last light, spend the night with the Patient on location and then fly out at first light the next morning.

If this is not possible, OAR will take the Helicopter outside the Airport in order to be able to fly the following morning at very first light before the Airport even opens.